Thursday, October 1, 2009

Technical Writers- A Must For Every Software Company

There has been a lot of speculation about the importance of the technical writers in the industry. However no matter how good software is, without a well documented help support it would fail to hit the right chord amongst the clients.

The technical writers are the people who write the help manuals and other support documentation so that the users are able to use the software in an easy and efficient manner. The online help is one of the major support tools which the various companies provide with their software so that the users can easily work with it.

A technical writer thus has to understand all the modules and segments of the software so that they can write proper instruction in a very precise and explanatory manner while writing the online help. The online help is generally presented in the compiled HTML format which is a collection of sequenced html pages bonded by a Table of contents and search able with the help of index keywords.
There are a lot of tools readily available in the market that helps you generate the CHM files without any hassle. These CHM files are independent and can be opened without any editor.

It is important to nicely structure your help topics and determine the order and segregation of chapters before you actually begins writing and filling in content. Once the layout is set, putting content becomes an easy task. A well structured help file definitely does a lot of good to the end user and thus the demand for technical writer is picking up readily in every software company.

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